Skin Food Concealer<Rice Concealer> 10g / 3.8$
Department brands’ foundation and concealer products are more better than road shop goods from long ago.
As Eye-shadow or mascara lip products gradually develop, they surpass department brands. Despite of their development, foundation and concealer were a little short. But, Skin Food Rice concealer is really great.
If the person who makeup over 6 years in Chungdam-dong(south korea), they all know Shuemmura pro spot concealer. It was an essential thing for not only Chungdam-dong artists also entertainers but it was discontinued 5 years ago.
Follow-up product was published but, it has a different feature (Shuemmura mark concealer). Pro spot concealer is moist type but, it will have coverage power and maintaining power when it is dried.
At this point, Skin Food Rice concealer is really similar with it.
While spot-concealer covers tiny troubles with its thin and unique stick type, Skin Food Rice concealer covers various size troubles by using make-up brush.
The feature of Rice concealer is that it is a bit too hard when it joins the air.
If you are a person who cannot forget Shuemmura spot concealer, it is a good news.
Skin Food Rice concealer maximizes its merit when it joins the brush which has elasticity.
The most popular concealer technique with tapping rather than sweeping will make a thin and perfect coverage.
If you want to use tapping technique, you have to use powerful and elastic concealer.
You must not use any Proof line, it has to cover my blemishes depending on the size.
All the Piccasso brush concealers show off great elasticity, but proof line has the best technique in application with tapping. It’s because they all have different powers for the use of concealer brush.
It is important to select right products relying on position, types.
As I mentioned, tapping is the best way of using rice concealer. You could apply it to coverage part by tapping. (gradation)
Small pimple, trouble print cannot be covered through tapping so that just slightly apply it.
Proof 12, 13, 14 can be used in covering small blemish or freckle.
If you have a little bit dark skin, use no.23. (Similar with general concealer products number)
It is much better to control colors after mixing two products.
Price : $4.30,
$8.60 for two
Obviously, rice concealer reduces coverage power or sustaining power when you just apply it. For this reason, it is good to use by tapping if it’s not the case of connection or small trouble.
It is possible to sustain not only sustain power or basic coverage through tapping.
With the purpose of perfect coverage or dense application, PROOF line was born to express clear skin by using various sizes and designs.
It has a neat feeling without greasiness, and it excellently covers freckle and blemish.
Rice extract’s ample nutritive components well absorbed into your skin. Therefore, you could complete neat makeup, and there is no sticky feeling with fast absorption.